About Chippies

What began as a small shop that began in my kitchen years ago has grown into a creative studio where tech wizards and creative minds can come together to create art and products we love.

While it’s fun for us, it serves you a purpose — to get your company started, to advertise a new product, or to help future customers know where to find you.

Chippies core values will NEVER change, and that emphasizes our goal of making the world a happier and healthier place.

We’re very new as an animation studio and innovation lab, so please bare with us as we continue to develop our website as more work is able to be shown.

Best wishes and dreams,

Colin Horvath, CEO and CCO.

    1. Happiness & Healthiness: Make the world a happier & healthier place.

    2. Customers’ Love: Make the best inventions for customers to love, with making products we want to use ourselves as well.

    3. Innovation: Foster healthy competition, as it pushes innovation.

    4. Purpose: We don’t make products for money, we make money for products.

    5. Boldness: Never be afraid to take risks and learn a lot.

    6. The Future: Make people excited for what the future has to offer.

  • Check back here for when Chippies Events are happening! Product releases, trailer drop dates, and more!

    ChippCon 2025 Date TBA // OnGround/Virtual TBA

    Live event announcing new updates.